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Fall 2024
Sunday Commuity Groups  

B-12 Class - Carol Allen

Room 204

We’ll study Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero. Its premise focuses on giving our lives, daily, to recognizing our dependence on God. That’s what AA originally imprinted on my mind: the importance of daily surrender.

Berean Class – Shannon Brooks, Duane Harp, Alan Keister, Karen Stout, David Terry

Room 304
We will be studying the Gospel of Mark.

Growing (Triple T) – Marcos Henry, Beth & Daniel Brannon, Shelley & Steve Chaloupka, Lesley & Albert Lusby

Room 205

We will continue going through the Gospel of John. Growing Sunday community focuses on young couples and families who want to learn more about the bible and grow in community.


Kaleidoscope - Mary & David Mullin, Jay O’Brien  


We are studying the book of Romans, which teaches us how glorious it is to be a Christian in a dark and depraved world.

Men’s Bible Study - Darrell Schmidt, Danny Castleman, Skip Forsyth

Room 203 

Join us as we take a fresh look at a broad range of familiar stories in the Old and New Testament, such as the call of Peter (Luke 5:1-11); the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32); the call of Gideon (Judges 6:1-24); and more.

Practicing the Way (College Age/Young Adult) - Orlando Lopez, Matt and Sarah Cline

Westminster/Gap Room

Join us as we discover what it means to be an apprentice of Jesus. We will explore spiritual disciplines that will help you thrive in your relationship with Christ as we dive into Practicing the Way.

Sonflower’s Class - Caryl Smith

Room 207

We will study 1 and 2 Kings with video by Lisa Terkerust.


UB40+ - Howard Griffin, Murray Gossett, Bob Juba, and Lezly Welch

Room 209

Every Sunday our class gathers around one large table for coffee, donuts, and discussion of God’s holy, inspired word. Join us as we prayerfully read and discuss the Gospel of Mark. Anyone 40 and older is welcome for our discussion of God’s timeless word facilitated by our teachers.


The Upper Room – Andrew Amstutz, Bryan Oliver, Brady Clark

Room 206

We will continue our study of the minor prophets as well as looking at various ways our faith helps us navigate family, current events, and relationships.

Women of Worth - Lindsey Palmer, Emily Wood

Room 202

We will take a deep dive in the study of Genesis, exploring Ancient Newar East images, themes, and historical accounts.



What About Children & Youth?

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Check-in for all children, babies through 5th grade, is at the Kids' Welcome Desk, just inside the glass doors on the 1st floor of the Children’s Wing. 


In Sunday School, the TruBlessings curriculum guides children, ages Birth – Preschool, to know they are made and loved by God. TruWonder shows PreK & Kindergarten children the awesome wonder of God. TruStory helps our 1st & 2nd Graders discover more about The Big God Story. The Story is helping our 3rd, 4th & 5th Graders see the Bible as one continuing story of God and His people.

8:30 (during the worship service) 


Birth – 2 years: Lamb room  


Preschool worship   

3 years -- Kindergarten: Turtle room 


9:45 Sunday School hour   

Early Childhood  

Birth – 2 years:  Lamb room


Preschool: Turtle room


Kindergarten:  Bluebird room



9:45 Combined Gathering in “The Well” Room 232  

then kids go to:  

      1st/2nd grade:    Room 234

3rd grade:         Room 243 

4th/5th grade:      Room 245


10:55/1105  (during the worship services) 


Birth – 2 years: Lamb room


Preschool worship   

3 years -- Kindergarten: Turtle room


9:45 A.M.

Middle School/High School Combined –  - Austin DeSpain & Jaci Hopkins

A&O House

Join us as we continue studying Acts! We have Bible study, fellowship, and free donuts!

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